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Ref: 95000118
Ref: 95900093
Ref: 95061081
Ref: 95030075
Ref: 95091222

Product type

Wiping Washing Wiping Washing Wiping

Dimensions (mm)

400 x 380 145 x 101 x 36 510 x 360 146 x 96 x 60 360 x 360

Weight (g/m²)

300 not available 80 not available 200


Polyester, Polyamide Pigment, Plasticiser, Water, Cellulose 65% Viscose, 35% Polyester Pigment, Plasticiser, Water, Cellulose Polyester, Polyamide


Sustainability: 5 recycled bottles per microfibre. Optimised packaging with less plastic. Use less colourant with its natural-light shades colours.
Qualitative: Remove traces of grease. Ultra fast wiping: Wipe 2 times faster than main microfibres in the market. Remove 99% of bacteria.
Absorbing: Good capacity of absorption 400%.
Easy-to-use: Colour coded to indicate recommended area of use.
Washable: 500 cycles at 60°C. 9 cycles at 95°C.
Sustainability: 100% biodegradable. The sponge is compostable in household compost, it should not be thrown into nature. The sponge is home compostable after rinsing. Do not throw in nature.
Qualitative: Impregnated with a softening agent for storage damp.
Absorbing: 20 time its dry weight.
Resistant: Exclusive Spontex treatment for increased resistance to bleach. Tensile strength >0,8 daN/cm².
Qualitative: Excellent wiping efficiency.
Absorbing: > 600%.
Resistant: Tensile strength >1 daN/cm².
Easy-to-use: Colour coded to indicate recommended area of use.
Sustainability: 100% biodegradable. this product is from sustainably managed forests. The sponge is home compostable after rinsing. Do not throw in nature.
Qualitative: Impregnated with a softening agent for storage damp.
Absorbing: 20 time its dry weight.
Resistant: Tensile strength >0,8 daN/cm².
Qualitative: Remove traces of grease. Wiping. Can be sanitised using bleach at a concentration of 28,5 g/l. can be put in an autoclave up to 120 c for 15 minutes.
Absorbing: > 300%. Good absorption capacity. Absorbs oil and water. Colour coded to indicate recommended area of use.
Easy-to-use: Dust removal and wet wiping.

Food contact

yes yes yes no no


5 pieces/bag
24 bags/carton
120 pieces/carton
10 pieces/bag
8 bags/carton
80 pieces/carton
25 pieces/bag
6 bags/carton
150 pieces/carton
5 pieces/bag
16 bags/carton
80 pieces/carton
5 pieces/bag
12 bags/carton
60 pieces/carton

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