Our CSR commitments

Spontex Professional is committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility approach, "Our Caring Actions," with specific commitments linked to its mission and activities, based on the CSR policies of the MAPA SPONTEX and Newell groups.

Our long-term perspective is built around a continuous improvement process to develop more responsible sourcing, mitigate our environmental impact and improve social standards, all supported by concrete actions.

We strive to meet the expectations of our stakeholders while working towards a better future in which we play an active role in terms of sustainability

Find out about our commitments to efficient and more sustainable cleaning

Our commitments to the planet

More sustainable products

We strive every day to develop more suistanable products: from the selection of raw materials to the packaging, which we reduce to a minimum.

We conducted Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to identify where our main environmental impacts were. This enabled us to develop an eco-design grid, including good practices to be applied throughout the product life cycle: raw materials, production, life span, end of life.

Our latest eco-designed range includes recycled microfibres and a range of dye-free sponges.

Sustainable sponges & scourers

Eco-managed forests

The cellulose part of our sponges is of vegetable origin and made from wood pulp from sustainably managed forests.


Today, most of our 100% cellulose sponges are compostable(1) at home and our aim is for them all to be.

(1) All our cellulose sponges are compostable in a home compost, based on tests conducted by an independent laboratory. Do not throw away in nature.

100% recycled fibres

Because they are not only green in appearance, almost all of the scouring parts of our sponges are now made of 100% recycled fibres.

For 90 years now, we have been producing the vast majority of our sponges in France,
 and more precisely in our historical factory in Beauvais.

More sustainable products


100% of our cellulose and microfibre sponges are machine washable and reusable. This not only extends their lifespan but also limits the amount of waste.

Effective with just water

Our microfibres are very effective even without detergents and remove dirt and grease.

Eco-designed packaging

100% of our packaging is recyclable

We strive to keep our plastic packaging to a minimum and are exploring the use of recycled materials in our packaging.
Our cartons come from recycled or certified sources.

Continuous improvement of our factory & transportation footprint

At the production level, we monitor the environmental footprint of our sites and are committed to reducing it (reduction of waste sent to landfill, reduction of water and energy consumption, and of greenhouse gas emissions)

Two plants already certified :

ISO 14001 (environmental management)

Finally, we are working to optimize our logistics and are committed to the Freight 21 program, with the objective of reducing our transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 5% over three years (by the end of 2022).

Our commitments to our employees

In our plants, safety is our priority!
All our teams are trained in the safety issues related to their position and wear the appropriate protective equipment. Today, 20% of our industrial sites are ISO 45001 certified. By 2025, we are committed to achieving this certification for all our sites, and to continuing our efforts to reduce our workplace incident rate.

Our teams now operate internationally, with five production sites in Europe, and they reflect local diversity and cultures.
In each of these countries, we guarantee social conditions that go beyond local regulations in order to ensure their well-being and promote gender equality.

36%* of strategic positions are held by women at MAPA SPONTEX.

Working hand in hand with our suppliers is also a regular aspect of the daily life of our teams.
We share a code of conduct with them and take into account environmental, social and ethical criteria in our calls for tender in order to promote responsible sourcing.

*data as of June 2022

Our commitments to our users

We identify the needs of the users based on studies and by observing the real conditions of use on site.
This expertise allows us to make recommendations on the choice of products to use according to the needs and constraints identified.
We support our users throughout their usage experience with the daily availability of our technical service.
We have our own laboratories to carry out usage tests in real conditions and to keep pushing our developments further. This allows us to regularly bring INNOVATIONS to the hygiene market.